Statewide, Regional and Retired Delegates to the NEA RA

Nomination and election process 

Statewide, regional and retired delegates from Massachusetts to the 2025 National Education Association Representative Assembly will be elected by the membership during February, March and April. The NEA RA is the world’s largest democratic deliberative assembly. As a state affiliate of the NEA, the MTA receives an allocation of delegate seats based upon state membership. This is in addition to seats allocated to local associations.

Who is eligible to run?


Nomination Forms

Regional Delegates Retired Delegates  Statewide Delegates

More about the election

Retired delegates

Statewide and regional delegates

Local associations also elect delegates to the NEA RA. Learn more.

All delegates

NEA Representative Assembly

The 2025 RA will be held July 2-6 in Portland, Oregon. Statewide, regional and retired delegates from Massachusetts will attend, in addition to delegates elected by local associations.

MTA provides up to $2000 in funding to cover travel expenses for statewide, regional, retired and student delegates.

Elected delegates are expected to comply with the accountability requirements set forth by the MTA. Funding will not be provided unless accountability requirements are met.