Tools and Frameworks

Five faces of oppression by Iris Marion Young
A framework for understanding oppression through Iris Marion Young’s theory that is counter to traditional notions of justice and centers its operational functioning through exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence.

The Complexity of Identity. "Who Am I?" by Bevery Daniel Tatum
A framework by Beverly Daniel Tatum for understanding identity through multiple identities, their intersections and how they are historically, socially, and culturally shaped. It also explores concepts of internalized dominant and targeted identities that can coexist within one individual. It includes some insight into the physical and psychological taxing of oppression in those who are “othered” while emphasizing there is no hierarchy of oppressions. It states, “Our ongoing examination of who we are in our full humanity, embracing all of our identities, creates the possibility of building alliances that may ultimately free us all.”

Identities and Social Locations: Who Am I? Who Are My People? By Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey
Who Am I? Who Are My People? (link doesn’t work) pdf version: This article explores identity formation through the individual, meso and macro levels. It highlights how one identity may dominate other identities based on the social context or groups they are in.

Learn how to Call In — LORETTA J. ROSS
Calling In is a tool and practice for turning difficult conversations into productive ones. This framework can help address harm while creating space for growth, forgiveness, and understanding.

Toolkit - Bettina Love
Dr. Bettina Love has created a Punished for Dreaming: video playlist, Love Notes music playlist filled with songs you can play as you write/plan or host an event, and a study guide. There are original songs Dr. Love has produced as a full album and YouTube videos you can use to open up a discussion or gathering. This toolkit also includes an Education Reparations Handbook and Free to Dream coloring book for children.

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