Proclaiming Liberty: Economic Justice Is the Path Forward
Proclaiming Liberty: Economic Justice Is the Path Forward
Greetings, MTA members,
I had the pleasure to speak about our Fair Share victory at the NEA Higher Education Conference this past weekend in Philadelphia (alongside a number of our members, including several from our University Staff Association (UMass Amherst) and Classified Staff Union (UMass Boston) units, currently bargaining for a fair contract). Escaping the conference center for a walk, I wandered by one of the most sacred sites in our secular democracy – the Liberty Bell, which is situated across the street from Independence Hall.
Many of us know the lines inscribed on the Liberty Bell – “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” It is a line from the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible, from Vayikra/Leviticus 25:10.
But the next lines from that part of the Torah/Bible are perhaps more important, especially at this political moment: “It shall be a jubilee to you; each of you shall return to your holding, and each of you shall return to your family.”
Because of the ancient understanding of how destructive inequality can be to a society, the tradition proclaims that in the 50th year – a Jubilee Year – all property should revert to its original owners and all enslaved people must be freed. “Liberty” – human dignity and personal independence – is only achievable when it is grounded in economic security.
We are living at a moment where we are seeing the terrible expression of a 40-year movement toward greater and greater income inequality in this country, where just a few people at the top control more money than the bottom 50% of Americans. What began in the Reagan era has accelerated over the past decade. The very wealthy are now more open than ever in showing disdain for democracy and working people, and exercising their economic might to achieve their plutocratic aims in an openly authoritarian regime. Our fight back must be married with a fight forward – toward winning living wages, affordable housing and health care, outstanding and free public education, from early ed through public higher ed – and taxing the very wealthy and their multinational corporations to help pay for a society committed to a greater measure of dignity for all.
Sounds radical? It's all right there on the Liberty Bell.
MTA Events, Opportunities and Solidarity Actions
Town Hall with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren – Tonight!
When: Tuesday, March 18, 7 p.m.
Where: Maloney Performing Arts Center, 35 Wilder Street, UMass Lowell
Senator Warren is holding a town hall at UMass Lowell this evening. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the program will start at 7 p.m. Senator Warren will share her thoughts about the current environment in Washington and will take questions. The event is free and open to the public.
NEA Encourages March 19 Walk-Ins to Protect Students and Families
It’s no secret that Washington is going after our public schools, and it’s vital that we stand up and protect them. As a follow up to their March 4 Day of Action for public schools – which many MTA members participated in – the NEA is holding another day of walk-ins tomorrow, March 19. Learn more about hosting or supporting these walk-ins.
MTA Benefits Webinar: A Rise in Secondary Traumatic Stress Among Educators
When: Wednesday, March 19, 4:30 p.m.
Where: Virtual
Educators must support both the academic and emotional well-being of students. Facing student trauma can lead to secondary traumatic stress – stress, compassion fatigue and burnout. Join Mary Ferrara, LICSW-R, CASAC of MyRosalie, an MTA Benefits partner, to learn how to recognize the signs of and manage secondary traumatic stress. This is a Member Appreciation Webinar; two lucky attendees will each win a prize: a $100 Visa gift card and an L.L. Bean tote bag. Register now.
Dealing with Behavioral Issues in the Classroom?
The MTA is launching a survey to learn more about escalating issues faced by educators from preK-16, including physical and verbal assaults and mental health challenges among students. We want to bring more attention to these issues so that we can advocate for the necessary funding and resources needed to address students’ emotional needs, including reduced class sizes, more counselors in schools and protections for educators at all levels. Please help us advocate for solutions to this crucial problem by filling out the survey before April 4.
Join the Caucus for a Safe workplace
When: Thursday, April 10, 4:30 p.m.
Where: 35 Village Road, Suite 602, Middleton
All members have the right to a safe workplace. To support this, a caucus open to all members will be held at the MTA’s Northeast Regional Office in Middleton on April 10, at 4:30 p.m. This meeting will provide an opportunity to collaborate on strategies for validating, documenting and reporting incidents of violence or disruption affecting educators. Effective documentation is essential in addressing complex challenges related to student well-being, educator safety and our shared commitment to providing students with a high-quality education. Register here.
Political Education
I urge you to listen to this podcast with Jason Stanley, the author of “How Fascism Works” and, most recently, “Erasing History.” The latter book, and the podcast, focus on why authoritarian regimes focus so viciously and immediately on attacking universities and public schools.
They correctly see public education as the foundation of democracy – the place where a diverse citizenry is knit together, and taught how to think critically, and gain the skills to be active and independent citizens.
That mission is exactly what drew many of us to public education. But that mission is precisely what authoritarian regimes seek to destroy. Docile, uninformed and misinformed citizens, taught propaganda in the place of truthful history, are what authoritarian leaders seek.
In solidarity,
Max and Deb