Take action in support of MTA priorities in the state Senate budget

Take action in support of MTA priorities in the state Senate budget

Call on your state senator to support priority amendments

Take Action

Urge them to support the MTA's priority amendments that would strengthen the Senate budget proposal.

Also tell your senator to oppose Amendment #787, which would create a significant state mandate on literacy instruction and curriculum in Massachusetts public schools.

Take Action

Next week, the Massachusetts Senate will debate a state budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2025. The initial Senate proposal includes several significant provisions that bring us closer to the MTA’s goal of achieving debt-free, high-quality public colleges and universities and to addressing the funding crisis facing public school districts across the Commonwealth. Many of the proposed initiatives were made possible by the unwavering advocacy of MTA members, including through the passage of the Fair Share Amendment. Yet, more must still be done to more effectively ensure that every public school district has the resources to adequately support the social, emotional and educational needs of our students and to advance our vision for public higher education.

Please email your state senator right away and urge them to support the MTA's priority amendments that would strengthen the Senate budget proposal. In addition, please tell your senator to oppose Amendment #787, which would create a significant state mandate on literacy instruction and curriculum in Massachusetts public schools, including by restricting the literacy curricula materials schools can use in their classrooms. Please also consider calling your senator to follow up on your email. You can find your senator’s phone number by clicking here.