State Senate passes FY25 budget

State Senate passes FY25 budget

FY25 state budget is not yet final

Now that the Senate has approved its budget, members of the Senate and House will soon be appointed to a legislative conference committee charged with reconciling the differences in the appropriations bills passed by each chamber.

Visit the MTA's state budget news' page for updates on the conference committee process, including ways you can share your support for the MTA’s budget priorities with your legislators.

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Early in the morning of May 24, the state Senate passed its FY25 budget after several days of debate. Dozens of budget amendments were adopted during this process, including several MTA-backed proposals related to public education. Notably, the Senate adopted amendments to further increase rural school aid to $17.5 million, which is $10 million higher than in the House budget, and to raise minimum Chapter 70 aid to $110 per student.

It is important to note, however, that the FY25 state budget is not yet final. Now that the Senate has approved its budget, members of the Senate and House will soon be appointed to a legislative conference committee charged with reconciling the differences in the appropriations bills passed by each chamber. The MTA will be advocating that the conference committee include in the final budget MTA-backed policies and funding levels from the House and Senate budgets, respectively. Visit the MTA's state budget news' page for updates on the conference committee process, including ways you can share your support for the MTA’s budget priorities with your legislators.

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