Mike Fadel is named executive director-treasurer of MTA

Mike Fadel is named executive director-treasurer of MTA

Mike Fadel, the MTA Field and Organizing director, has been named executive director-treasurer for the Massachusetts Teachers Association. The appointment by the MTA Board of Directors was announced by MTA President Max Page and MTA Vice President Deb McCarthy.

Fadel has nearly 30 years of experience in the labor movement. As executive director-treasurer, he will lead professional staff for the union, which advocates for public educators in prekindergarten through higher education.

His previous positions include serving as a member activist, organizer, field representative, organizing director, staff director, executive vice president and executive director.

Page described Fadel as the right choice for the times. “Mike Fadel has led our Field and Organizing division for the past three years and in that job has helped our membership grow in numbers, supported transformative working conditions for our Education Support Professionals, including paraprofessionals, helped mobilize our 115,000 members to win passage of the Fair Share Amendment and has been at the bargaining table to help locals like Malden, Haverhill and Woburn win fair contracts for their members.

He continued: “We are thrilled that he will step into this new role and help lead our staff as the MTA takes on the work of ending destructive, high-stakes testing, winning high-quality, debt-free public higher education and building locals that will advocate effectively for the working conditions of our members, which are the learning conditions of our students.

Fadel is experienced in leading large organizations and labor campaigns. His previous positions include serving as a member activist, organizer, field representative, organizing director, staff director, executive vice president and executive director. He was the private sector field services director for SEIU 509, director of strategic campaigns for the Massachusetts Nurses Association and held multiple roles with increasing responsibility in SEIU health care locals. In these positions, he led large organizing campaigns, including multi-union, multi-employer contract campaigns. He oversaw large staffs and had oversight responsibilities for budgets in the tens of millions.

Fadel joined the MTA three years ago as director of Field and Organizing, the union’s largest staff division, which works directly with nearly 400 locals in prekindergarten through higher education. In this role, he led the field through implementation of successful campaigns including the Student Opportunity Act and the Fair Share Amendment. As Field and Organizing director, Fadel ensured that MTA locals had the resources they needed for major escalating contract campaigns, as well as their day-to-day representation and organizing needs.

He is a graduate of the University of North Dakota.

Fadel, who will oversee about 200 staff members as executive director-treasurer, started the new position on June 19. He succeeds Lisa Gallatin, who retired in June after leading the MTA staff for four years.