MTA recommends Gouveia, Liss-Riordan and DiZoglio for key state posts

MTA recommends Gouveia, Liss-Riordan and DiZoglio for key state posts

Tami Gouveia
Tami Gouveia
Diana DiZoglio
Diana DiZoglio
Shannon Liss-Riordan

The Massachusetts Teachers Association is recommending that voters elect Dr. Tami Gouveia to be the state’s next lieutenant governor, Shannon Liss-Riordan to serve as attorney general, and Diana DiZoglio to serve as state auditor.

“Public education is a public good,” said MTA President Merrie Najimy. “The candidates we are recommending understand that and have all demonstrated a commitment to public education, the common good, and the labor movement – and all have expressed values that align with the student-centered mission of the 115,000 members of our union.”

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Gouveia has been a staunch ally in advocating for attention to the mental health needs of our students, as well as safe conditions for students, educators and communities. She has been vocal about making sure that public schools and communities hit hard by the pandemic have the resources they need. Moreover, Gouveia is committed to ensuring that economic, social and racial justice are addressed as the state moves forward on major initiatives such as confronting climate change.

"The candidates we are recommending will govern from the perspective that public education must be properly funded, from prekindergarten through college, and they recognize that educators must be treated with respect as professionals in their workplaces and with dignity in their retirement."

MTA President Merrie Najimy

Liss-Riordan has said that as attorney general, she will seek to address the impact of systemic racism in Massachusetts communities and will defend workers’ rights. She promises to use the powers of the office to support public education, students and educators. She understands that the COVID-19 pandemic has made clear how vital it is to ensure that educators have safe and supportive working environments and the resources they need. Liss-Riordan has demonstrated her dedication to workers’ rights and will bring to the attorney general’s office extensive experience as a labor lawyer committed to protecting workers and their families.

DiZoglio is running on a platform of increasing transparency in state government and ensuring that there is access to services for those who need them and to state contracts for those able to fulfill them. She will fight for all Massachusetts residents to receive fair treatment and will fight for equity.

Gouveia, Liss-Riordan and DiZoglio are all strong and vocal advocates for fully funding the Student Opportunity Act on time. They also recognize the need to improve funding for public higher education in Massachusetts. The three candidates have expressed support for such MTA priorities as ending the MCAS regime, providing universal debt-free public higher education, ending the prohibition against strikes by public employees, and advancing other measures that promote the common good.

Along with the MTA, the candidates support the Fair Share Amendment, a ballot question that would provide sustained funding for public education and transportation. Gouveia, Liss-Riordan and DiZoglio have all stood side by side with members of the MTA and other unions in promoting public education and the fair treatment of workers.

“Despite the wealth and resources in our Commonwealth, many families are struggling. Our public schools and colleges are crucial to creating opportunities and promoting fair and just treatment across the state,” Najimy said. “The candidates we are recommending will govern from the perspective that public education must be properly funded, from prekindergarten through college, and they recognize that educators must be treated with respect as professionals in their workplaces and with dignity in their retirement. Furthermore, these candidates recognize that when the MTA and other unions representing education workers fight for safe working conditions, we are just not addressing members’ needs but also protecting our students and communities. The MTA looks forward to working in partnership with Gouveia, Liss-Riordan and DiZoglio.”

The MTA Board of Directors voted to recommend Gouveia, Liss-Riordan and DiZoglio on June 18.

The MTA has also endorsed Attorney General Maura Healey in the race for Massachusetts governor.