I'm Sticking with the Union!

I'm Sticking with the Union!

Barbara Madeloni

Barbara Madeloni, President


Among other recent outrages was this story about a teacher in Louisiana who was arrested for speaking out about a proposed raise for the school superintendent. People in power target individuals in this way in order to spread fear and uncertainty. But we will not be silenced. We will continue to act collectively and claim our voices as educators, working people and activists for the schools our communities deserve and for the well-being of all.

The silencing of this educator comes just as we are faced with more verbal violence and hatred from President Trump, language accompanied by vicious policies such as ending Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans and a new tax law that undermines public education. We are all made vulnerable by the racist words and actions of Trump and the silence of those around him.

It is about issues such as these that we must speak as educators and community members to not only condemn the violence of the president's words and actions, but also to provide places of safety and support for those under attack. We have a responsibility to be educator activists and to respond to the threats to students and communities with empathy and inquiry. We must use our professional knowledge to insist that relationships are central to our work, not test scores.

You Can't Scare Me! I'm Sticking with the Union!

Our power is in the union. That is why the same corporate CEOs and billionaires working to defund public services and increase income inequality are looking to weaken unions through the Janus v. AFSCME case. The plaintiffs in this case are seeking to make all states "Right to Work for Less" states for public employees, including MTA members. On Feb. 26, the Janus case will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. Save the date! Be ready to join union members across the state and country by showing your union commitment through stickers, signs, walk-ins and solidarity rallies. More information to come.

National Parent Organizer Speaks about Building the Opt-Out Movement

Long Island, New York, has produced the highest test opt-out rates in the country, up to 50 percent in some districts. Jeanette Deutermann is the parent leader of Long Island Opt-Out. Come join her and UMass Dartmouth Professor Ricardo Rosa as they lead a conversation with educators and parents on excellence and equity beyond the MCAS. The event will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 30, at All Saints Parish, 1773 Beacon St., Brookline. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

National Black Lives Matter to Educators Week of Action

Educators across the country are mobilizing to speak, listen and engage during the Black Lives Matter Week of Action from Feb. 5-9. It is a week to raise up the struggle for racial justice in any way you choose: curriculum, T-shirts, community meetings, etc. Find your way and share it with others.

Celebrate Love for Our Public Schools on Valentine's Day

The urgency of our struggle grows from our profound commitment to students and public education. Let's celebrate that commitment and the work we do every day on Valentine's Day. Wear a sticker and share the news: We love our public schools.

Tell the GIC: No Cost Shifting/No Health Voucher Plans

The Group Insurance Commission is holding public hearings across the state. This is your opportunity to ask questions and let the GIC know that we will not tolerate any attempts to shift costs to employees. The commission's executive director spoke at the December MTA Board meeting and was asked questions about why we are not moving to a single-payer system and about the dangers of high-deductible plans. Attend a meeting near you. Listen. Ask. Speak up.

