MTA welcomes NEA delegates to Boston
MTA welcomes NEA delegates to Boston
The Massachusetts Teachers Association welcomes delegates from around the country to the National Education Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly.
The event is being held in Boston for the first time.
Close to 8,000 delegates representing state and local affiliates are converging at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center from Friday, June 30, to Wednesday, July 5, to set the priorities and policies of the 3-million-member NEA for the next year.
MTA President Barbara Madeloni said she is excited that this year’s RA is in Boston.
Being a delegate to the largest democratic deliberative assembly in the world “is a big job,” said Madeloni, adding that she is grateful for educators’ willingness to commit part of their hard-earned summers “to participate in discussion and debate about some of the most critical education issues today.”
“This is essential to the democratic process,” Madeloni said.
Members of the 2017 Host Committee, all members of MTA Retired, have worked with the NEA staff for months to provide delegates with a well-run event.
The Host Committee is working with MTA volunteers throughout the event in Registration and Information, Event Services, Delegate Services, the RA Telephone Network and the NEA Fund for Children to make sure the event runs smoothly.