Bargaining & Contract Action Resources
The MTA Bargaining Campaign and Strategy Team provide resources, research, training, and strategic leadership to field staff, regional networks, local affiliates, and MTA governance and divisions to advance the priorities of locals and the statewide union for maximizing power in collective bargaining and building local capacity by engaging members in the life of the union.
On this page. You will find many bargaining tools, models, samples and advice. If you seek help in using these tools, please contact your Field Representative Organizer. For technical issues, please contact XXXX, BCST Coordinator, at You must be a Memebr of the MTA to use these resources. .
General Bargaining Resources
This are has the MTA Contract Database, model contract language, sample letters and agreements, a list of mandatory subjects of bargaining, definitions of bargaining terms, and state resources
Organizing to Win Good Contracts
Information on organizing your members and communities, contract action teams, coordinated bargaining, expanded bargaining, and...
Economics of Bargaining
Salary information, contract costing tools, school and municipal finances, and economic trends.
Specific Issues
details on certain topics such as ESP Bill of Rights and Living Wage Campaign, ARPA, Health and Safety, and Virtual Schools.
Bargaining Certificate Program
The MTA Bargaining Certificate provides an opportunity to develop and deepen the skills and knowledge of negotiators and inspire contract action teams with strategies and tactics that build bargaining power.