Cherish ActLegislation to ensure a strong public higher education system

The Cherish Act establishes a blueprint for a world-class system of public higher education that is urgently needed to meet widely shared goals in the Commonwealth. If passed, it would enable people of all backgrounds in every community to build successful and fulfilling lives; address economic, social and racial equity gaps; meet our state’s climate change goals; create high-quality workplaces with fair wages and benefits to attract and retain faculty and staff; enable new discoveries and innovation; and invest in a competitive workforce that is the engine of the state’s economy.

Urge your legislators to support the Cherish Act

Cherish Act

The Cherish Act, filed by Senator Jo Comerford (D-Northampton), Representative Sean Garballey (D-Arlington) and Representative Pat Duffy (D-Holyoke), would establish a blueprint for a world-class system of public higher education that is urgently needed to meet widely shared goals in the Commonwealth.

Please email your legislators right away and urge them to heed the call of their constituents and prioritize the passage of the Cherish Act this legislative session.

take action

Cara Pina, Framingham State University faculty

Franklin Ortiz, UMass Boston professional staff

Phyllis Keenan, Greenfield Community College adjunct faculty

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